BookKeeping Services
SSBC offer FULL-CHARGE BOOKKEEPING: You can drop off, fax, mail, email, or we will pickup all needed paperwork, receipts, invoices, workorders and all accounts payable and recievable once or twice a week. SSBC will generate a monthly financial statements that will include but not limited to a balance sheet, Profit and Loss, General journal and Bank Statement Reconciliation. We will also offer and provide ledger maintenance, and receivables and payables tracking and analysis.
Chief Financial Officer Services
SSBC will provide your company with Chief Financial Officer services at a Treasurer pay, but do offer on-site services including accounts receivables and/or accounts payables.
Tax Services
SSBC Tax service is designed to meet your need by helping you take advantage of all the tax deductions, exclusions and exemptions made available by the IRS while minimizing the chance of audit. Individual and Business Taxes are prepared for Federal and your State. Taxes are Omitted in some States such as Florida.
QuickBooks Installion and/or Training
SSBC will install QuickBooks software for your business and set it up according to your company structure and needs and will also teach you how to use it correctly and will monitor and provide oversight by using a remote desktop hosting.
Bookkeeping & Tax Service
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- L Adams, New Day Covenant Church, Inc.
1288 Errol Pkwy Apopka, FL 32712
Call for a quote today! (407) 801-5238
Website Design by Superior Small Business Consultant, LLC
Superior Small Business Consultants, LLC
1310 W. Colonial Dr.
Suite #11
Orlando, FL 32804